
Janet Edwards holding "Put Me Off at Redlands"

As a native Californian, my career as an artist reflects my response to the natural beauty of the areas in which my husband and I have lived for much of our adult lives. The entire western coastal scene has also inspired my creative interpretation as have our travels to other countries.

While for the past three decades I have worked primarily in the etching medium, my love of watercolor has strongly influenced me toward interpreting my images with a watercolor like style. Many of these etchings include embossing to extend the design and to add interest and depth to the composition.

All the etchings shown are printed from zinc plates which have been etched with nitric acid to produce a texture that will hold ink. Each plate is inked by hand with colored oil inks, and printed on 100% rag paper under the pressure of the roller of an etching press.

Inasmuch as each print is the direct product of an artist’s work, it is considered to be an original piece of art, not a copy or reproduction. Multiple prints are produced one at a time, and numbered in a limited edition.

Etchings are fine art and have a good lasting quality.